
Today I connected my water pump AKA, irrigation pump. We don’t use regular irrigation, we have a line going into our water well.

I know that this isn’t the professional way to do this, but I am no professional. I just need the larger pump to run the outside water while the smaller pump runs the house water.

Our first winter here was a super cold one. It froze out pump house so we had to disconnect both pumps. The house pump froze and broke so we had to get a new one. We only connected the house pump back then because the goal was to get water to the house. We said we were going to connect the irrigation pump back up in the spring time, then we said the summer time, then we said in the fall, then we went back to spring…..well it’s spring, I missed having the large pump with all the pressure it has. I even ran some extra pipe with spigets so we could run water to even more places.

This is the new addition. Yes, I am real using old pipe, I have a lot of it around here. Yes, I know it isn’t straight but that’s ok with me. Yes, it is above ground. I will come back through and bury it a few inches, I am waiting for the glue to dry so I can pressure check it. When it passes the pressure test I will burry it down.

In the background here you can see my pump house…kinda an ugly looking thing but it works.

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